Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Housing, housing, where for art thou?!

I have no idea where that title came from......

Our housing is still not finalized.  We have another good lead, but not getting a response from the owner.  

All major issues except housing are set, and now we are seeing the little things are really a mountains-worth.  Still, nothing insurmountable, just have to keep plugging away.  

Jared and I took Henry to the San Diego Archaeological Center today, to show him to my former co-workers, and tell them about our plans.  As is everyone we've told, they were very excited for us.  The Center is my most favorite former place to work, tucked into the beautiful San Pasqual Valley, plugging away at a mission not well understood or appreciated by the public.  Henry put on his usual smiley personality, melting hearts of all who see him!  He's quite a character, so fun to take places.  He is very interested in everything around him. 

We have another potential glitch:  Canada requires a special form or card for car insurance, and it takes two weeks to process.  Since we want to enter Canada a week from Sunday, we've got our fingers crossed the cards get here sooner.  

Great progress on the house cleaning.  I took two carloads of clothes, etc., to Goodwill:  two closets are empty and two bureaus are half-empty, thanks to Kathy.  I felt guilty at first for all the work she is doing by herself, but then realized she likes doing it, she's good at it, and I would just be in the way.  :-)  It is very freeing to pare down the clothes and other possessions one has accumulated.  Tomorrow, the trash gets picked up, and I'm making a special trip to the landfill, so we will have that done.  We really are in pretty good shape.

I've been watching the weather in Klawock lately:  high 50's and clear, which is fine.  Craig/KlawokWeather  We will be arriving as it gets warmer, then have a gradual introduction into Fall and Winter.  I'm hoping to see the Aurora Borealis for the first time in my life.  

I heard from a long lost second cousin that I was welcome to come visit them on their ranch in Alberta, but that they, too, had always wanted to visit Alaska, and now had a good excuse to make it happen.  I've heard this from many people, and hope they all make good on their wish to visit.  It would really be fun to have a parade of friends and family come visit us!

That's all for now. 

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