Thursday, January 19, 2012

Just Call Me Transportation Tech Doug

Thursday, second day of work, and it was much like the first one.  It's a bit warmer, made it up to 17 degrees, and the clouds came in later in the day, so it got even warmer.  The forecast calls for three days of snow, maybe accumulating up to 12 inches, yikes!

My fellow new employee and I continued to read up on manuals around the office, files, and some resources on the Internet.  I did find an email that said if the City of Klawock couldn't drive the tribes snow-plow without damaging it, the tribe would add that task to the job description of the Transporation Technician (me!), and have him do it.  Hey, that would look good on a resume, snow-plow driver!  

Tomorrow I have some new ideas for digging out what it is I am supposed to do, so am looking forward to my first Friday at work in a long, long time.  So far, the one-car routine has worked out.  It should be fine, in that I can easily walk to SEARHC where Kathy works, or even home, if she needs to keep the car.  

Speaking of weather, we weathered the depth of the winter solstice and hardly noticed. We had Kelli and Jared and Henry here when the shortest day of the year hit and they started getting longer.  We already notice a big difference, but now we know those really short days don't last very long.  

Wednesday, and another day of complete sunshine, this time with double-digit temperatures.  Yes, it was a warm 13 degrees today, not enough improvement for me to notice the difference.  I took my gloves off to take pictures of a frozen bay, and a 15 mph gust came up, freezing my hands instantly.  Ha, we used to thing 25 was cold!  :-)

My first day on the job was a little different, in that the Transportation Director position, my boss, is empty, apparently unplanned, so the two new employees didn't get much in the way of instruction or direction.  The office is a bit rustic, but sits right on the shore of the Klawock Bay, with a few out the window of the snow-covered docks and boats, and across the water to snow-covered mountains.  Wow, what a view!  My camera is acting up, so I don't have pictures yet, but should have them soon.  

The little Craig Library is being made over, with new carpet and new shelving.  It's shut down for a week and using lots of volunteer labor to make it happen.  It will look brand new when it's all finished.  

Jared called me on my first day at work.  He and Henry were playing a game while they waiting for Kelli, and Henry was laughing at Jared's antics, so he thought to share this with me.  The next best thing to being with Henry is hearing him laugh outloud!  Thanks Jared, you made my day.  

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