Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Paycheck, Wow!

Rain and snow, warmer temperatures.  Very icy.

I received my first paycheck on Friday, yippee!  It's a great feeling to finally be back among the employed!  

Kathy had a greatful client bring in a half dozen duck eggs to thank her.  That was nice.  Makes you think we live in Mayberry or someplace, right?  :-)  She fried them up and served them, and I didn't even notice any difference from chicken eggs.  When she first told me she had them, I thought sure they would taste different. 

Kathy drove to the Hydaburg office on Friday, which really surprised me.  This is one of the worst paved roads on the island, twisty and always much worse weather than other areas, plus there are no guardrails!  She drove very carefully, she said, and it took an extra 30 minutes one way.  

I worked for four hours on Saturday, putting books back on the shelves at the Craig Library.  It was totally emptied so new carpeting could be laid, and the walls repainted.  It will look spectacular when all put back together.  I didn't know this was going to happen.  About day three, I went by to return books and get some new ones, and walked in on empty shelves and lots of prep work going on.  I was that guy, asking "Are you open!"  Doh!   This is the best little library I've ever seen.  It sits up on a hill, and looks out over the harbor, to the islands, a perfect view to lose oneself.  With new carpeting and paint,  it will be even better! 

Our favorite coffeeshop is closing up and moving south, to Oregon, boo.  After three years, and four years on the island before that, they are moving to greener pastures, i.e., a better business climate.  Bummer.  They are really nice, and have a beautiful shop.  We've purchased quite a few locally crafted pottery items there.  

My new employer shot down my trip to San Diego.  Wow, this is a major bummer.  I was so looking forward to seeing family and friends, and warm sunshine.  I don't know how I can make it until God know when, when I see Henry again.

We had a nice long Skype session today with Henry and Kelli and Jared.  We've done this several times before, of course, but this time, it felt very different to me.  Before, they were less-than-satisfactory previews of my visit to San Diego.  I felt like I was being teased.  I could hardly wait for the end of February.  This time, it was my one and only chance to interact with the boy, and so felt much more important, and much more fulfilling.  He is something special, that boy, and his parents, too.  We got to see him running around the living room, riding the big dump truck we got him, only it's not so big now that he's grown so much.  He is quite a character.  I can't help wondering when I will see him next.

I talked to Brady today.  He was in Chicago last week.  They had a snow storm one night, which dumped a foot of snow on the city, closed the roads and even shut down the taxis.  Brady knew the office was just a mile from his hotel, so he started walking.  It took him and hour and a half!  He said the snow was a foot deep!  I forgot to ask him if he had the right boots on.

Tuesday he flies to Toronto for two days.  On February 20th, he flies to Halifax for 12 days.  He's hitting all the cold spots during their worst weather - lucky him.

Faith is at the Sundance Film Festival this weekend.  How fun would that be?  Faith and Brady also found out the breeder where they got their cats is going to replace Animal for free.  Since Pixie greats them at the door each evening hoarse from mewing all day, they thought this is a good idea.  

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